Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rossoha (Chernobyl) machines grave yard

Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant

Open Joint Stock Company «Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant» (OJSC «Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant») is a leading enterprise in the Republic of Belarus to implement overhaul of various modifications of Mi-8 (Mi-17) helicopters, Mi-24 (Mi-35) helicopters.

Mi-35M poster

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


A Fenestron (or fantail, sometimes called "fan-in-fin") is a shrouded tail rotor of a helicopter that is essentially a ducted fan. The housing is integral with the tail skin and like the conventional tail rotor it replaces, it is intended to counteract the torque of the main rotor.
Full article on Wikipedia:

Interesting picture - Mi-24A with the fenestron:

Friday, October 5, 2012


Using autorotation helicopter can be landed safely in the event of complete engine failure. Consequently all single-engine helicopters must demonstrate this capability in order to obtain a type certificate.

The height–velocity diagram (for a specific helicopter) shows the flight profiles, where autorotation can be safely performed.

Articles on Wikipedia about autorotation and H/V diagram:


If main engine or both engine fail, but helicopter was operated in the safe H/V profile, then it is possible to land safely. It is a safety feature of hely, so don't be afraid to fly! ;)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Helicopter Rotorhead Gallery

E.g. Kamov Ka-26:

Ka-26 D-HOAZ

and more at:

Kamov Ka-26 rotorhead looks very complicated. Would be nice to find a model of it to see how it works...